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    Frontend Developer Skills Checklist

    We’ve all heard of the saying ‘Never judge a book by its cover’. However, in the web based world that we live in, the opposite is probably more true for websites. Organisations understand the importance of a good website, it is the window shop to the organisation.  Therefore, is critical to get it right both in design and layout but above all delivering a great user experience and performance and this is where the Frontend Developer Skills comes in.

    What is a Front-end Developer?

    When you are navigating websites, everything from the fonts and colours, to drop-down menus and sliders are all the work of a front-end developer. Front-end developers need to be adept in the three main sources are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Although, as technology develops and clients want to push boundaries, the need to enhance already gained knowledge even further is required.

    Frontend Developer Skills Toolkit

    As previously mentioned, the primary sources used by front-end developers are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but it doesn’t stop there. In addition to ensuring the websites run smoothly, no bugs or errors, browser types, device types and platforms need to be factored in.  All these require additional skill-sets and knowledge from the front-end developer to have they have at their disposal.

    Additional skills

    JavaScript Frameworks

    In short, JavaScript Frameworks is a library of pre-defined code that developers can utilise to create websites or web applications.

    • Angular Js
    • ReactJS
    • Vue.js
    CSS preprocessing

    CSS preprocessors are scripting languages that extend the functionality of CSS. These preprocessors enable developers to utilise variables, nesting, functions, and mathematical operations within the CSS code.

    • Saas
    • LESS
    • Stylus
    Version Control Software

    Version control software is every developers dream, this software allows the developer to manage changes to source code over time. Version control software keeps track of changes to the code, minimising disruption and time in searching for errors within the code.

    • Git
    • Github
    Testing and Debugging

    These software tools do exactly what it says on the tin. Testing software is the process of finding bugs or errors. Debugging is a process of fixing the bugs found in the testing phase.

    • Selenium
    • Jasmine

    Non technical skills required

    In order to really excel as a front-end developer that doesn’t relate to any technical know-how  is  excellent problem solving skills. Every successful front-end developer will tell you being creative is key, needing to figure out the best way to fix a bug, making the front end code work with the implemented back end code all this comes down to fantastic problem solving skills.

    How we can help

    Front end developer roles are always in demand. Organisations need to stand out from competitors and being able to use the latest technology when creating a website is vital. Cavendish Professionals are well established throughout Europe in sourcing quality front-end developers. Our team are always on the hunt for experienced developers for our diverse clients. Whether you are looking to hire in your team, from permanent or contract basis, or a candidate looking for your next opportunity get in touch with our team and have a discussion on how we can help you.