- Technology
The role of upskilling and reskilling in the technology Industry
Over the past 2 years video interviews have multiplied to figures we could have never anticipated pre-pandemic. As a result, our consultants were busy supporting candidates prepare for the new normal with video interview techniques.
With this in mind, our consultants Adrian and Evgenia have put their heads together and come up with some tips to help those of you who may be having telephone and video interviews soon.
Treat a video interview the same way as you would a normal face-to -face interview. Make sure you are wearing formal office attire and that you look clean and presentable. Research shows that people register their first impressions of your appearance within the first 30 seconds of meeting you, so make them count!
Whether your video call is via Zoom, Skype, Teams or over the telephone, do it in a quiet, business-like setting. Your interviewers will have a full view of both you and your surroundings and a cluttered background could distract them from what you’re saying. Additionally, it could give them the wrong impression about your organisational skills. Rid the area of any personal items, a blank or neutral background is best, with a tidy desktop.
If you will be receiving your interview call in the family home, be sure to inform anyone else at home about the meeting; you don’t want to be interrupted by a sudden blast of stereo music or someone calling for you unexpectedly. Feed and walk the dog ahead of time, and hire a babysitter if you have young children.
Make sure that all your technical equipment is prepared and working ahead of time. Double-check that your webcam is working properly, that the internet connection is strong in the room you’re in and, that your laptop is fully charged or plugged in. Remember to log into the video call at least 10 minutes before the call just to be on the safe side.
Be sure to thoroughly research your potential employer. What do you know about them and their vision? What do you know about the new country you will be living in and its culture? Your interviewers will definitely ask you why you want to work for them and why you are willing to relocate, so it’s important that your answer is well informed and enthusiastic. A good tip would be to learn at least 5 points about the company you are interested in and the surrounding culture of the city where they are based. Be sure to familiarise yourself with their website!
If you are not used to speaking on video call, it is a good idea to practice using it with a friend ahead of time, or even looking in the mirror. Knowing where to look, what to do with your hands and even how you appear to the other person will all help you to seem calm and collected on the day, even if you don’t feel it!
Being articulate, passionate and confident will go a long way to ensuring your interview goes smoothly. A candidate that knows themselves and their own strengths and weaknesses is a very attractive prospect to employers. A helpful task before any interview is to try and describe yourself in four words, and then memorise your answer, if your interviewer does happen to ask this question, you will be prepared.
Go through the job description sent to you by your recruiter and make sure you demonstrate your expertise in the chosen field during your interview. How does your previous experience relate to the requirements of the role you are interviewing for? Make sure you get this across at every opportunity you have!
Be sure you know what is on your CV, ask your recruiter for a copy of the CV they sent to your interviewer.
Prepare a list of at least 10 role-related questions for the interviewer – sometimes the questions you ask actually show how suitable you are for the role!
It is never a good idea to ask about or discuss your salary during an interview. You may feel that you already have the job, but a question like this can really make employers think twice about hiring you. Make sure that they have already offered you the role before you discuss how much you think you should be paid.
Remember that an interview is an opportunity to show your employer who you are. Giving the interviewer small hints that you are listening, engaged and interested in the conversation is crucial to leaving a lasting good impression. Speak to a friend who makes you feel relaxed and comfortable before the interview is about to start, this will ensure that you have a smile on your face and are ready to show the interviewer that you’re a #perfectfit for the role.
Good luck from all of us at the Cavendish Professionals team!