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    Top Tips for improving your Software skills

    Put the time in.

    Straight off the bat you need to practice writing code regularly. An optimal state would be consistently practicing every day to get into a routine, this can’t just be a hobby.

    Take the time out.

    Although it may sound contradictory, you should certainly book in some down time too, so that you don’t burn out, get stressed and start to resent writing code by making it a chore. Giving yourself a set time to practice (e.g. 30-60 minutes a day) will help take the edge off and make things more manageable.

    Salute to Feynman.

    Richard Feynman was a famous theoretical physicist who, among many accomplishments, designed the Feynman learning technique. In simplified terms and relating to software development, you can fortify your knowledge base by teaching what you’ve learnt. Then identify gaps in your explanation to review and simplify your understanding.

    Start branching out more.

    So you’ve got a particular skill or software down to a T, but why stop there? There’s no harm in hunting around for more skills (software or otherwise) to master. Plus the broader your skill set, the more attractive you are as candidate for a job role.