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Transitioning Smoothly: Resigning from Your Current Job
Self-isolating is really important at the moment to stop the spread of the Corona virus and not overwhelm our NHS. Whether you are working from home, home schooling your children or self-isolating fun to health reasons, it is important to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are our top tips for staying healthy whilst self-isolating:
A healthy diet can help keep your immune system working well. There are many varieties online of healthy recipes using all ingredients in the cupboard. Use tinned fruits in baking, oats for breakfast and creative deserts, add tinned pulses and beans to recipes to increase protein intake. Reduce your time at the supermarkets so buy non-perishable foods and use what is in your cupboards.
Exercise will help boost your immune system and your mood. It can help you to avoid putting on weight while you self-isolate and make you feel better. We are currently allowed outside our homes for one form of exercise as long as we stay 2 metres apart from those we do not live with. A brisk walk, jog or run in the fresh air is great, however there are many alternatives to get moving at home, pop on Youtube or download an exercise app for workout inspirations to help staying healthy whilst self-isolating.
We all need to see and speak to people, and there’s lots you could try to help you not to feel lonely. Pick up the phone and ring a friend on your lunch breaks or before you watch the TV in the evening. FaceTime or Skype your relatives who you may be missing. There are lots of free alternatives such as WhatsApp messenger and Facebook messenger to use to message your loved ones to talk about how you are feeling.
Experts on staying healthy whilst self-isolating suggest that structuring your day could help – for example, getting dressed each morning and having set mealtimes for each day. You could have tasks for each day – if you’re not working, this could be time to finally sort the back of the wardrobe or the weeds in the garden. Reset your mindset and try and see the positives in situations for example isn’t it nice not to be commuting from work? Could you get a book delivered, or is there one on your shelf that you’ve been meaning to read?