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    Top Tips to ace your next job interview

    Do your research

    When going for any job interview it is very important that you have done your homework, on the company and developments and change within the industry. Research the company’s services, products, customers and competition, giving you an edge in understanding and addressing the employer’s needs.

    Practice and prepare

    While it’s easy to have answers prepared in your head it is not so simple to say them out loud. It is imperative that you remain confident, convincing your interviewer you are the right person for the job. Prepare yourself for any question the interviewer may throw at you. Come to the interview with your own intelligent questions also, demonstrating your knowledge of the company as well as your serious intent.

    Punctuality is key

    It is a good idea to arrive to your interview ten minutes early. This shows the employer you are punctual and keen to make a good impression. Arriving early gives you the chance to go over your questions and answers.

    Dress Accordingly

    A good first impression is fundamental. Plan the perfect interview outfit. Six in ten managers say interviewee’s dress sense has a major impact on their employability. Depending on the company, you can dress accordingly. Some companies have a dress-down policy compared to a more business-related attire so be cautious.

    Sell Yourself

    In any interview don’t be afraid to speak about your achievements and strengths. If you are applying for a job that you already have experience in it is important that you mention your success within that area and what you contributed to the previous job that benefited them.

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