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The Movember movement which takes place the whole of November every year, helps to raise awareness of prostate and testicular cancers as well as other health concerns.
Testicular cancer is the number one cancer among young guys yet 62% of those who are at risk, don’t know how to check themselves. When caught early, testicular cancer is highly treatable and highly curable. Checks can help you become familiar with your body and recognise any changes sooner. 5% of people with testicular cancer may also experience symptoms of metastatic cancer if it has spread to other parts of the body.
Symptoms can include:
Movember have published useful information explaining how to check for symptoms of testicular cancer. Click here to read more.
Testicular Cancer UK is run by survivors who raise awareness and man a support group and phone line.
Prostate cancer can occur when some of the cells in the prostate reproduce more rapidly than normal, which results in a tumour. It can often grow slowly to start with and not cause any problems however some men may have prostate cancer that is likely to spread. If left untreated, the cancer cells may spread and invade distant parts of the body. This can produce secondary tumours in a process known as metastasis.
What are the signs and symptoms?
The chances of developing prostate cancer can increase if you are:
Prostate Cancer UK provides a range of information and support which are open to men, their family and their friends.
As prostate and testicular cancer is easier to treat in earlier stages, it is essential to remember to check on a regular basis to ensure that no changes go unnoticed. If you are experiencing prostate cancer symptoms or any unusual changes in the way your testicles look or feel, book a GP appointment.