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    Top Tips on starting a small business

    Try to keep it simple.

     When starting out in the business world it is crucial that you start of small. Create a product or service that is of high quality yet fitting to what you want your brand to represent. Do not let it get overcomplicated. Your long term goal should not affect where you start out, focusing on the beginning is very important and keeping it exclusive to your own brand.

    Consider embracing digital marketing.

    In 2020/21 we have all seen the huge increase in online shopping and sales due to the Covid19 pandemic. It is important that you are aware of the benefits that social media bring to owning a small business. Brands and companies thrive on Instagram and Tik Tok, etc as this is where sales lie nowadays. Having your brand seen on these platforms and engaging with customers will benefit you greatly, they are free to join, and are ideal for you to start your business and grow day by day.

    Be sure to learn from others.

    People who are successful in the business industry have experience and an understanding of what works, these are the people who can guide you, advise you and push you to where your business needs to be. Asking for help or advice will only benefit your business. You’ll save a tremendous amount time on trial and error by learning from people who have been there before.

    Always take into account all of your operational needs

    Before you start out it is important that you consider how your business will actually operate. You need to have factored in how you are going to sell your products and how they are going to be delivered. How are you accepting payment?  Will you need to accept credit cards? Will you invoice customers? These factors all need to be reviewed before you launch, as having it all mastered will lead to you having satisfied, returning customers.

    Ensure you are planning to succeed!

    From the beginning you should have an elaborate business plan in place, of how and where you are going to take your business. The plan will change as you progress and you will learn more about your customers and competition, but it will still keep you focused on your goals and how you envision your business growing.

    Never cut short on self-belief.

    One of the most important aspects of starting your own business is how passionate you are. You’re going to devote a lot of time and energy while building it into a successful enterprise, so it’s really important that you truly deeply enjoy what you do. If you are excited by the success of your business then you are on the right track.

    There are many other factors that need to be considered when starting a small business but these points outlined above are of all equal importance and will hopefully encourage you to start your own business journey.

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